About us
Inhale Blue is a freediving school, based on Apnea Academy philosophy and didactics.
Our approach to freediving is not numbers-oriented; it is not about meters of depth or times of apnea. What we strive for are feelings - relaxation and enjoyment underwater. This way, any depth becomes attainable safely and enjoyably.
Our starting point is humans' aquatic nature; this means that we are all already freedivers, and with the right approach and knowledge, we only rediscover what is inherently part of our nature.
Our principles
Responsible diving means uncompromisingly looking after ourselves and others, underwater and above.
We are bound by a deep friendship and a strong sense of trust, belonging, and unity.
The ultimate dive means briefly forgetting about the world above the surface and completely surrendering to the water.
Complete relaxation, feeling safe, and trusting the team all create an amazing connection with ourselves and the sea.
Even more important than trusting others is trusting ourselves. We thus learn to listen to our body and mind.
The most advanced techniques of ear pressure equalization allow for completely relaxed and enjoyable dives.
Individual approach
In depths and in apnea, everyone faces their own fears, and we work with everyone individually.
Holistic experience
Our courses are longer than usual, enabling faster progress and complete immersion into the depths - of the sea and of yourself.
Courses, workshops and trainings
Blue Week in Pag, Croatia
Our signature freediving course for beginners and experienced freedivers. 6 days of total immersion into the world of freediving. A life-changing experience.
Regular apnea pool trainings
Up to 4 days per week, in swimming pools in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Dynamic apnea with and without fins, static apnea, breathing, relaxation, and swimming techniques.